Amelia Earhart was a childhood hero of mine. Of course by childhood, I refer to a period of time that stretched well into my early twenties...but I'm growing up now.

Friday, June 18, 2004

Welcome to Red TGI Chili's!

So I dressed for work this morning, as per usual, and decided to wear a combination of articles that I had never pieced together in a single outfit till now. I looked in the mirror and thought – as I do with most of my work ensembles – “eh. That’ll do.” I really hate work clothes, so I can’t rate them on level of attractiveness, but rather on the likelihood of being sent home for wearing them.

Anyway, I am wearing a white dress shirt, black vest and tan slacks. And it wasn’t until I arrived at the office today, that I realized that my outfit screams “hostess at a cheesy chain restaurant.” All I need now is a big button tempting guests to:

Try our Farmtastic Fun-tato-skin Fingers!!!

Thank goodness it’s Friday.


Wednesday, June 09, 2004

If Nerds were Smurfs I'd be the bluest

The other night, somewhere in between watching my third hour of PBS for the night while working on the nth collage project (this one consists of stamps and postmarks from office mail and will be my first actual decoupage project – ultra cool, right?) and singing along to Eddie Rabbit cassette tape on my walkman while I brushed my teeth (this takes practice) with Harry Potter toothpaste, I realized that I have passed far beyond being a dork.

In the early stages of my self-awareness of the geek that I am, I reveled in feeling unique, perhaps even “eccentric” (I now know that I’ll never have enough money to fit into that category). But more recently, I just begin to scare myself. I start asking myself questions like: “How many sane 23 year olds are scouring the Goodwill bins on a Friday night looking for 80’s country music on cassette?” Only one, yours truly – and this is why I am scared.

Other things scare me, too. When I lived at home, thanks to my immaculately organized mom, I never owned a sock without a mate. After being away from home for about two months, this situation had so radically changed, that I gave up and decided that unless one was a fishnet thigh-high and the other a bobby sock I was just going to wear whatever the first two socks out of the drawer turned out to be. This is fine, and while I tend to get teased about this quite often, outside of job interviews I have never been very concerned about it. The scary part came a couple of weeks ago when I looked down at my feet and realized 3 things: 1) I am wearing two different red & white Christmas socks. 2) Although one is a Santa sock and one has ice skates, they match each other better than either one matches my outfit. 3) It’s May. But then my very first thought upon realizing these things is: “Well at least one of them isn’t the Snowman sock, because that one is purple and blue and that wouldn’t work at all.” Scary.

As if I needed more proof that I am a big nerd, I now have this blog entry to prove it. I am so beyond dork that I don’t even know how to refer to myself (any suggestions?). But I tell people about it. So, yeah, that’s cool.


Wednesday, June 02, 2004

'Nuf Said

Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?


Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Old Enough to Know Better

* Retro-deleted to protect the not-so-innocent (okay, me:)) *


Home Again, Home Again, Jiggedy Jig

I didn't think it was possible, but I am actually glad to be back at work after the much needed rest. I had been dreading coming back, but as of last night I have new drama in my life (all had been quiet on the western front for so long, I guess something had to happen), and I am welcoming the sea of papers I have returned to, because it helps keep my mind off life for awhile.

That said, I had an absolutely fabulous time with my parents who came to visit from Sunday to Saturday. We spent Monday through Friday morning in Rancho Mirage (Palm Springs area) just chilling in the time-share and enjoying the pool and a day at the Palm Springs Knott's Soak City water park. On Friday we were off to Universal Studios for the day. As much fun as we had, I was really glad that I had a three day weekend to wind down from vacation. Wouldn't you know though that I would turn my last day of rest into craziness. Argh.

I realized during the time I spent with my parents just how much I had missed them over the past year especially. *Sigh* It was sad to see them go.
